
Welcome to my new home on the web

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Welcome to the new home of Hyperpowered Thoughts.  Strangely enough, it looks almost identical to the old site 🙂

I will be attempting to revamp my “online presence”, as I’m now getting slightly more traction in the online training space, and feel that an online presence to match is in order.  Some may remember the old “hyperpowered.com” and how I had all of four posts on it – hopefully this site will be a bit more active than that one was.  Besides just technical articles and how-to discussion, I will also delve into items that may be less technical.  As always, all opinions are my own and do not reflect in any way the opinions of my employer(s).

Some might wonder why someone would run a private blog, when there is a vast array of social media out there that can more easily stand in as a public blog, without the technical overhead and cost involved with hosting your own site.  Well, the first reason is, I’m a techno-geek and just want to see how it all works together 🙂 but another reason is visibility.  This site serves as a good place to tie together my various thoughts and projects, and makes things easier to find when I do.

Comments are disabled for the time being but feel free to contact me via any other means.